Most times we are not sure of what to do or what we can do to help. I have managed to find the ideas that would help us to get started and also guide us as we move forward to support our soldiers. No matter who we are, or where we live, be it Doctor, Engineer, Teacher, Student, etc. I believe we all can make a difference. In the nearest future I would create a website that’s mainly for supporting and donating for our soldiers.
Ways to Support our soldiers
Let’s start with the ways that will cost nothing or little…
- When you see a person in a military uniform, shake their hand and say, “Thank you for serving our country.” Or send a Thank You Note to our troops.
- Honor the Memorial Day in your country: by visiting memorials, by visiting cemeteries and placing flags or flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes and by participating in a "National Moment of Remembrance.
- Take a beautiful video of their family and send it to them because they have no chance to be with their family. It’s the hardest thing for our military to be separated from their loved ones. If you are a photographer, you can take pictures of a military family; pictures of the children, etc and send to them. They will appreciate it so much!
- Send them the daily newspapers, it maybe old but its new to them and they would stay in touch with their home and collect jokes on the Internet and make a little booklet to send to them. Send nice newspaper clippings and pictures about the good things they are doing overseas. Send magazines they like. Keep them up-to-date on local gossip. It will help them to know what they are doing is important and being noticed. Send some CD’s of their favorite music.
- Send them a one year diary and ask them to keep a Gratitude Journal – writing down at least one thing every day that they are thankful for. It can be hard to focus on the good things but it will help keep them from sinking into despair during hard times.
- Remember our soldiers in hospitals, send cards and notes to hospitalized soldiers because so many times they feel alone and forgotten. Your cards and notes can let them know their contribution was appreciated and it will ease their loneliness.
- Send or contribute to care package for a family and making sure there are special things for the kids, etc because most times its wife that’s left out when their husbands are away for duty, leaving them fears and struggles, they need our supports. Include them in your family outings – everyone, but especially the kids. Invite them to go on a picnic, go fishing, go along to the Amusement park, etc. It will be great fun for them and give the remaining spouse a break from being a single parent. Help them out with some of their bills – anonymously if you can. Often, you can call the companies and let them know you want to pay a bill for a service person and they’ll let you do it. Some ideas: Internet bill; Cable service; etc.
- Call your Medical doctors, dermatologists, dentists, etc for a donation of toothbrushes, floss, toothpaste and mouthwash. They will surely donate once they understand it is going to our troops and also call Publishing companies and ask if they would be willing to donate their extra books to our troops and they would surely do so.
- Donate a cell phones or other technology for Soldiers, you know you can keep in touch with them without cell phones and they will appreciate it. You can send them directly to the Troops or put together a community effort to collect more than 50 and send in a package to Troops. Communication is so vital to our troops and this is a way everyone can help. Donate a computer to a family that doesn’t have one so they can communicate via email. If they don’t know how to use a computer make sure you take the time to help them set it up, then teach them how to use it!
- Tell your elders in your church, synagogue or mosque to remember them in special prayers. They will appreciate it so much!
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