In every country, we have babies being born with above and low IQ daily. We have babies being born with the potentials to be Dangote, Wole, Bill Gate, Einstein, and whatever. But the question of how to make them be what they are supposed to be is the most critical part.
The phones that we use; the planes that we fly with; the cars that we drive in; and washing machines that we use to wash our clothes and to the point of having a rocket that explores the moon and many more were developed and done by the creative persons.
As a Special Educator, I got to learn that we needed two things that would maximize the potentials of kids with superior IQ to be creative and bring a lot of solutions to the country, and they are environmental and nutritional. Before children can be Einstein, they need a good environment to grow in and be creative. As well, they also need a proper diet mentally and healthwise.
99% of researchers have proved that malnutrition and bad environment affect people of every age. They have further pointed out that babies would suffer the most because at this stage many nutrients are critical for healthy growth and development. When babies with superior IQ are faced with malnutrition, it leads them to be chronic creative persons; that's, someone with high IQ but the inability to do anything creatively. And when babies with superior IQ are exposed to a terrible environment, it leads them to use their creativity in dangerous ways, meaning we will have armed robbers, fraudsters and other criminals who smartly employ their creative minds to do evil things as we are witnesses.
This ought not to be so. The main point, therefore, is for a country to have a good number of creative persons, it needs more of innovative schools; needs more of suitable environments, and also requires more of proper nutrition. It is evident that before these things happen, IT NEEDS MONEY!!!
Yes, we need Deaf Einstein, Lincoln, etc. No doubt about that because we need them concerning intellectualism and smart leadership. Yes, we need them to lead us; to be our role models, etc. But for this to happen, WE NEED A DEAF DANGOTE because, without an iota of doubt these Einsteins, Lincolns, etc., will surely need money for their education and experiments or research works for discovery. Even accomplished Einsteins and Lincolns will need money to be able to set up specialized creative schools for children with superior IQ; they will need money to purchase latest materials that will help kids mentally in schools, and much more. The DEAF DANGOTE is always required to help out with the accomplishment of these worthy pursuits either solely or in partnership.
Any wonder a country with low funds for education has small numbers of creative citizens compared to a country that has substantial funds for education? Is there any surprise that in America, teachers got top most pay after pilots compared to Nigerian teachers that got peanut salary? Any wonder a good number of Nigerian teachers have quitted from the classrooms; taken up other means of livelihood and leaving our kids behind? Any wonder we have a low number of special schools for our Deaf kids and the available ones don't have right materials or pieces of equipment to use for teaching aids.
Written by
Chidi Olujie
Lyn Donas
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